

Some major crimes against humanity in recent centuries
Jenny Martin

For those of you who are Jewish apologists and finance the state of israHELL, if Jesus was here today he would spit in your face and tell you not to call yourself a Christian!  You are acting as useful idiots for the zionist Jews who are murdering Palestinian Muslims and Christians.  Palestinian children are being imprisoned which is against international law and the Jewish rats do not let families visit prisoners nor do they let the Red Cross visit them.  Prisoners are locked up in conditions you wouldn't let your animals suffer yet you so called Christians turn your face and do not look at what these criminal Jews are doing!  Whist American tax payers are being thrown out of their homes by the Jewish bankers, the US government is sending at least $30 million per day, each and every day 365 days a year, year after year to that terrorist state israel!  Senator James Traficant estimated that with one form of payment or another the true transfer of wealth to israel annually is around $21 billion!

Photo above is of an Eastern European gentile girl enslaved in a brothel in israel!  These are your vile self-appointed fraudulent 'Chosen People'! 

Even babies are imprisoned!  Young people are shot dead Bolshevik style for simply requesting a cup of water in the boiling heat!  The Jewish ghouls are stealing organs from young people, returning them to their families in the middle of the night for secret burials so that no one can find out that the child's heart, eyes, lungs, liver, kidneys etc. have been harvested and sent to USA/EU for vast profits!  You as 'Christians' are as guilty as the Jewish butchers if you are financing them and supporting their crimes! Once these vile Jews have finished in the ME they will do the same to you Americans and Europeans, remember they already did it to 66+ million Russian/Eastern European Christian/Muslim gentiles between 1917-1991!  Wake the f' up and stop supporting these vile Jews in their crimes against humanity!

Mark Glenn interviews Sami Ibrahem, former ABC Cameraman

Some major examples of crimes against humanity the Jews have perpetrated 
  • The crimes of that Jewish butcher Christopher Columbus whose direct and indirect policies wiped out nearly 100 million native people of the West Indies and Latin America with the help of the barbaric Christians.
Deanna Spingola - The Ruling Elite, A Study in Imperialism, Genocide and Emancipation

Deanna Spingola @ RBN program of 12-Oct-2011

  • Their murder of ~100 million black slaves in the slave trade:
Who Brought the Slaves to America by Walter White jr  ( and Nation of Islam )

Prof. Tony Martin - The Judaic Role in the Black Slave Trade
  • Their butchering of millions of Indians (Muslims/Hindus/Seikhs) during the Jewish British Empire either by deliberately caused famines or warfare.  Forget the butchering in the 300+ years the British Jews ruled India.  A more recent example is some three million Indians died in the famine of 1943. The majority of the deaths were in Bengal. In a shocking new book, Churchill's Secret War, journalist Madhusree Mukherjee blames Churchill's policies for being largely responsible for one of the worst famines in India's history.  Let me remind you that Churchill was a Jew.  His mother was a Jewess by the name of Jacobson which under Jewish law makes him a Jew and this is why he was part of the Bernard Baruch Jewish crime syndicate!  Oh and for those who say 'say zionist', well Baruch didn't consider himself a zionist until the time he helped to legalise the terrorist state of israHELL!  This SOB was the one who personally masterminded the 1929 Wall Street crash and Churchill, Baruch and the other Jewish cockroaches partied all night the night they crashed Wall Street, they did not loose a single cent but made billions as they could buy out stock at cents on the Dollar!
Madhusree Mukherjee - Churchill's Secret War
When Churchill starved India

How Churchill starved India

Great Famine of 1876–1878 - Many of the famines were caused due to the Jews not wanting to affect grain prices in Europe, NOT because there was not enough grain.  They would let the grain rot instead of giving it to the Indians to eat!
  • Their murder of millions of Chinese in the 19th century, by deliberately getting them hooked on opium at the barel of a gun so that the Jewish Sassoon family ( David Sassoon was “the Rothschild of the East” ) and other prominent American, British and French Jews could get fabulously rich.
Dr. Nancy Turner Banks, activist, speaker and award-winning author of:
AIDS, Opium, Diamonds & Empire

Listen to her interviews with Daryl Bradford smith:
  • The Jewish Role in China's Opium Wars

Jews Created Opium Trade

Sassoon and the Opium Wars in China
  • The Irish Potato famine.  Beginning in 1845 and lasting for six years, the potato famine killed over a million men, women and children in Ireland and caused another million to flee the country.  The real reason for this was not that there wasn't enough food but because the Jewish controlled Rothschild British Empire took the food away from the Irish and used it to feed the British military operations.
  • The Jewish French Revolution, 1789 during which nearly 33% of the French peasants were murdered by the Jews and their agents.
Andrew Carrington Hitchcock - Synagogue of Satan :
  • The Jewish role in the genocide of the Native Americans as the Jews/crypto-Jews were the robber barons who raped Native American lands for natural resources so they genocided the populations to free up the land.
  • The 1915 Armenian Genocide also known as the Armenian Holocaust, the Armenian Massacres and, by Armenians, as the Great Crime.  This was done the Donmeh Crypto-Jews who ran the Ottoman Empire by 1915 especially the military.  1 to 1.5 million Armenians were killed and the Jews who falsely blamed it on the Turks.
By Christopher Jon Bjerknes
  • 1917 Russian Revolution:  Their butchering of over 66 million Eastern European gentiles between 1917-1991
Jew, Jacob Schiff a Rothschild front man was head of the New York investment firm Kuhn, Loeb and Co. He was one of the principal backers of the Bolshevik revolution and personally financed Trotsky's trip from New York to Russia.  He sent ~$20 million (~1 bn USD in today's value) in Gold with Trotsky to finance the 1917 Bolshevik Jewish takeover of Russia.  Over 90% of the Bolshevik government were Jews and most of the rest were crypto-Jews or married to Jewesses.

Who financed Lenin and Trotsky

The Leading Jewish Role in the Bolshevik Revolution

  • The American holocaust of the 1930s the dust bowl was conducted by Jewish/crypto Jewish robber barons and the Jewish controlled US government.  Nearly 10 million Americans were deliberately killed so that these greedy Jews could steal their land and resources.
The American Holocaust, Dust Bowl, Stock Market Crash, Great Depression .  Watch the 5 part video at bottom of page.
  • Jewish creation and financing of that Jewish puppet Chairman Mau who's Jewish run communist party butchered over 75 million Chinese gentiles.
Jewish Faces in Chinese Government
  • The Jews are directly responsible for the deaths and destruction of WWI and WWII.  That is over 100 million gentiles all for advancing Jewish global hegemony.
  • The murder of millions of Germans during and after WWII at the hands of the Jews who ran the White House during and after WWII especially in the 200+ Eisenhower death camps!  The deliberate holocaust of the Japanese at Hiroshima and Nagasaki which was a 100% Jewish affair (Einstein, Oppenheimer et al).

Other Losses is a 1989 book by Canadian writer James Bacque which highlights these death camps.
  • The crimes of the Jews via butchers like Rothschild agent, the Jewish faggot/rapist Henry Kissinger in all the wars in Latin America, Africa, Vietnam, Korea, etc.  
  • More recently, the zionist Jews did 9/11, Madrid bombings, London 7/7 and the Mombai attacks to name but a few false flag operations.  Their blue print was the King David Hotel in the 1940s where they even killed British servicemen and officials, and as usual they dressed up as Arabs to try and blame it on Palestinians!  As a result of zionist Jewish policies which control our government, since 1990 these zionist Jews have used the US military to butcher over 10 million Muslims in the ME either by direct military action or through starvation and disease caused by illegal and immoral sanctions and weather war fare!  
Dr Alan Sabrosky who was the head of the US military college is on record as stating 9/11 was done by Israel and Zionist rogue elements in the US government.  He is a Jew so you cannot say he is anti-Jew!  And do you consider a man of his reputation a 'Conspiracy nutcase?' too!

9/11 Masterminds - Explosive Connections

watch "Missing Links" documentary

9/11 Mysteries

Israel did 9/11 + all the proof in the world

"Made in Israel: 9-11 and the Jewish Plot Against America" - by Victor Thorn

London 7-July-2005 bombings:
7/7 Ripple Effect - John Anthony Hill, http://jforjustice.co.uk/

Ludicrous Diversion

Mind the Gap

http://www.holocaustdenialvideos.com/  You will see how Jews were behind the Iraq war!

Iraq For Sale

Jews were never the victims, the gentiles reacted to their barbaric acts against gentiles and booted them out, its gentiles who have been the real victims of Jewish hatred and Jewish barbarism as their Talmud tells them that we gentiles are nothing more than goyim/cattle to be slaughtered at will for Jewish gain!
  • And lets not forget the Jewish role in slavery throughout history, today they are enslaving our gentile Christian, Muslim, other gentile girls and even children in sex slavery all over the world even using their corporations like DynCorp and Halliburton to traffic young women and children across borders under the nose of the UN/NATO/USA/UK authorities!  israel is currently making over $1bn per annum from the sex slave trade in gentile women and children!
In the links below, these are Jewish run ( and Christian implemented ) agencies and corporations committing crimes against children NOT Muslims!

Dyncorp and Halliburton Sex Slave Scandal Won't Go Away

Cheney/Halliburton Chronology (remember crypto-Jew Dick Cheyney the US Vice President was the ex-CEO of Halliburton so Sex slavery is condoned by the Jews+Christians at the top of the American political system!)

UN Child Sex Slave Scandals Continue
Wave after wave of child abuse reports pour forward from all over the globe

WikiLeaks: Texas Company Helped Pimp Little Boys To Stoned Afghan Cops

DynCorp Disgrace - Middle-Aged Men Having Sex With 12-15 Year-Olds

Jewish Gangsters Raped, Killed Children As Young As 2 On Film

The Talmud: Pedophilia and Bestiality
Look 1:25 into video:  Talmud - Mas. Yevamoth 59b
A woman who had intercourse with a beast is eligible to marry a priest! 

Long list of Jewish Child Molester Rabbis gets no media coverage and Jewish homosexual pedophiles are undisturbed


The former director of B’nai Brith Quebec has pleaded guilty to child pornography charges. May I remind you that this is the parent corporation of the ADL! Essentially Foxman's boss! Filthy, perverted Jewish freemasons one and all!

CDC Director Arrested for Child Molestation and Bestiality


A United Nations-affiliated group has issued a statement endorsing child sexual activity, the legalization of deviant behavior, illegal drugs and abortion. Let me remind you that the UN was setup by the Jews and is this group is a Jewish run group.

Billionaire Jewish Pedophile Goes Free

Modern day Jewish Blood Libel

Jewish Gangsters Raped, Killed Children As Young As 2 On Film

Dr David Duke - Jewish worldwide mafia running prostitution and white slavery

Argentina: Jewish White Slavery

White slavery in Judaism / israel where slavery of gentiles is legal!

Jews and the White Slave Trade
by Dr. William Pierce


Astonishing Israeli Profits From White Sex Slavery
Young Women Kidnapped From Ukraine And Russia
From Dick Eastman

Sex Slavery – The Growing Trade in Israel

White Slave Trade In Israel

Ten Thousand Women Held in Israel as Sex Slaves.

Israel's sex trade booming

Sex Slavery - The Growing Trade in Israel

Israel's shameful sex slave trade lures thousands into prostitution

Israelis kidnap, rape, enslave Slavic girls for sex trade

Human trafficking in Israel a $1 billion industry

Amnesty International: Israel failing to deal with white-slave trade
  • Blood Libel and Human Organ harvesting:
In Palestine, Jewish ghouls are stealing organs from young people, returning them to their families in the middle of the night for secret burials so that no one can find out that the child's heart, eyes, lungs, liver, kidneys etc. have been harvested and sent to USA/EU for vast profits!  Them Jews are stealing organs from people from all over the world.

Mark Glenn interviews Sami Ibrahem, former ABC Cameraman

Jewish Ritual Murder Revisited - Full version ( Asesinato Ritual Judío )

Organ Harvesting, Money Laundering, and Corruption – Typical Jew Behavior

44 Arrested in New Jersey Jewish Community Corruption and Organ Sales Scandal

The New "Blood Libel"?
Israeli Organ Harvesting -- many references

I propose that all the gentile races who have suffered at the hands of the Jewish Rothschild crime syndicate over the last few centuries get online and start challenging Jewish power and Jewish lies and propaganda.  Enough is enough, Never again will we suffer under Jewish supremacism and racism which has butchered (using their Christian lap dogs as useful idiots) over 1.5 billion gentiles in the last 500 years in every corner of the world!  The Forbes richest 400 list shows that most of these 400 people are Jews or crypto Jews and these 400 individuals earn more than the COMBINED income of over 50% of the American population.  That is 400 individuals, mostly Jews and virtually all zionists earn more in a year than 155 million Americans!  When the f' are you people going to wake up and realise its NOT Muslims who are your problem, its the zionist Jews and their zionist Christian and zionist Hindu agents who are THE no.1 PROBLEM for mankind today and these parasites are rapidly sucking us into WWIII !?

People, we must stop these thieving, murdering zionist Jew + zionist Christian + zionist Hindu, Islamophobic bastards before they escalate WWIII into a full blown global nuclear war and destroy humanity as we know it.  If you allow these bastard Jews who own Western media and Western governments to start a war with either Iran or Pakistan, this will most likely trigger China and Russia to participate too and that will be the start of a full blown worldwide nuclear war!  Imagine Fukushima x 100,000 and then imagine ALL your food and water sources being radioactive for hundreds and even thousands of years!  Muslims, non-zionist Christians, non-zionist Hindus, Seikhs, Buddhists, atheists and all other good gentiles must unite to defeat this Jewish/Freemasonic Synagogue of Satan before they destroy us!

I propose to show the disgust we gentiles feel at these Jewish crimes against humanity, along with their defaming of the German people in FRAUDULENT holocaust claims and extortion payments and the defaming of the Muslim people, that we use lower case in all words related to the zionist Jewish criminals.  So no initial capitals for: israel, holocaust, zionist, zionism, chosen people, ashkenazi, sephardic etc.  People, we must take back our world from Jewish tyranny!